What is Git ??

Ranmal Dewage
6 min readMay 13, 2021
Source (https://morioh.com/p/140a5f9896a8)

Git is the most commonly used version control system. Git helps to track changes you make to the files. Therefore it will provide us a record of what we’re doing, and it helps us to revert to specific versions if needed to do so. Many organizations use Git because it makes collaboration easy by allowing changes of multiple people to be merged into one source. Therefore, Git is useful for track and version your code either you work only by yourself or work as a part of a team.

Git is software that runs locally. Your files and their history are stored on your computer. We can use remote online hosts like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket which, are wrappers on top of Git to store our files and their revisions. Using a remote repository as mention above will give you a centrally located place where you can upload your changes and download changes from others, letting you collaborate easily with other teams of developers. After we set up a remote repository, we can upload (push) your files and revision history to it. Also, we can download (pull) their changes into your local repository; once someone makes changes to the remote repository. This is why everyone calls Git a Distributed Version Control System because it has a remote repository that is stored in a server and a local repository that is stored in the computer of each developer.

Figure 1: Overview of Git Distributed Version Control System

1. How to install Git

You can download Git using the following link, and it has details on how to install Git in multiple operating systems. https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git. After that, you can verify the git version using the following command.

Git Version Check

2. How to Create a Local Repository

You can create a folder name called git-sample, then go inside the folder and create a local repository using the following command. After that, you can create a file called .gitignore and add the file names that you don’t need to be version controlled by git.

Initialize a Local Repository

3. Staging, and Commit Code

The process of adding the code to the local repository is known as Committing. Before committing the code, it has to be in the Staging Area. The staging area is there to keep track of all the files which are to be committed. If any files are not added to the staging area, they will not be committed. So that developer can decide which files are needed to be committed.

Adding Single File to Staging Area
Adding Multiple Files to Staging Area
Commit the Files to Local Repository

4. Git Status and Log

Git status command helps to find out the files in the staging area, the files that have been modified, and the files we are going to ignoring. Git log shows all the commits that have been done until now. It displays the date of the commit and the commit message.

Git Status check Command
Checking the commit history using Git Log

5. Point to the Remote Repository

Until now, we have been working only in the local repository. Each developer will work in their local repository, but eventually, they will push the code into a remote repository. Once the code is in the remote repository, other developers can see and modify that code. GitHub is a famous remote repository that most developers use. First, create an account on GitHub, then create a repository by clicking “Create Repository”. Give it any name you desire, then copy the remote repository URL as shown in Figure 2. In order to point your local repository to the remote repository, use the following command.

Figure 2: Remote Repository URL
Point your Local Repository to Remote Repository

6. Git Pull

Git pull is used to pull the latest changes from the remote repository into the local repository. The remote repository code is updating by the various developers if you work in a team. Therefore it is recommended that you perform a pull every time before you make a push.

Git Pull Request

7. Git Push

To push our code from the local repository into the remote repository, can use the following command. It will push our code from the local main(master) branch to the remote main(master) branch.

Git Push Request

8. Git Clone

As an alternative to git init, you can first create the remote repository and then clone it to your local machine(local repository) using the below command and follow the other procedure mentioned above.

Clone the Remote Repository to Local Repository

9. Git Branches

Figure 3: Git Branches Overview

Git branches are used to track the feature development by the developer on a new feature branch without interfering with the stable main(master) branch. Changes made on the created feature branches do not affect the local main branch or remote main branch. You can create a local branch using the following command.

Create a Branch in the Local Repository

Although we created a new branch, we are still in the main branch context. Therefore to switch to the ranmal-feature-1 branch, use the following command.

Switch from Main Branch context to Feature Branch context

At the moment, the created branch details are in the local repository only. To push our branch details to the remote repository, use the following command. After that, you can perform staging, commit, status checking, pushing, and pulling operations between your local and remote branches to track your feature developments.

Push our Local Branch details to the Remote Repository

10. Merging Branches

Let’s say our ranmal-feature-1 branch is 2 or 3 commits ahead of the main branch. Now we want all of the code in the feature branch to be merged with our main branch. For this, we can use the Git merge. First, perform a pull from the remote branch as below. Then switch from feature branch context to main branch context. After that, perform a pull request from the main branch (it is always recommended to do a pull request before modifying any branches in the remote repository). After that use, the git merge command as shown below to merge the local feature and main branches.

Perform a pull from the Remote Feature Branch
Switch from Feature Branch context to Main Branch context
Perform a pull from the Remote Main Branch
Merge the Local Feature and Main Branches

After running the above commands, the merging of the two branches will be successful. Therefore to push the updated main branch again to the remote repository use the below command.

Push the updated Main Branch to Remote Repository

Important Point

🔸 Although we consider the merging is successful here, in real projects, there will be conflicts when merging two branches. A merge conflict arises when two separate branches have edited the same line in a file, or when a file has been deleted in one branch but edited in the other.

There are more topics we can cover under Git like Stashing, Rebase, and Tags we will cover those topics in a separate blog article. Now you know the basics of how to use Git, so go ahead and explore more.



Ranmal Dewage

Software Engineer at Sysco Labs, Graduate of Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT).